
Remembrance Day

NOVEMBER 10, 2021 -- Remembrance Day is commemorated on November 11th each year in Canada and marks the ceasefire on the Western Front in World War I in 1918. The armistice (peace agreement) between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

On Remembrance Day, Canadians pause to honour the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country during times of war (First World War, Second World War and Korean War), conflict and peace.

COVID Case Identified

October 12, 2021 –  The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) informed us that there was one case of COVID-19 at École Wilfrid Walker.

All Individuals who the SHA considers to be in contact with the positive cases will receive a letter from the SHA.

If there are any future close contacts identified at the school, they will be contacted directly by Public Health.

Please Read-Remote Learning

October 8, 2021--There have been multiple cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in individuals in the Grade 4/5 class at École Wilfrid Walker. All close contacts have been notified. We are working closely with Public Health staff to ensure necessary measures are in place to protect all students. The virus spreads from person to person by large, respiratory droplets, like from a cough or sneeze.