French for Parents - Intermediate Evening Class
This is an eight week evening French class for parents who have a basic understanding of French. Classes begin on Thursday evenings at Massey School beginning on October 19. The price is $120 including a textbook. To register, visit our CPF Regina web page at:
Family Magic Show with Marc Tardif
Here is a chance for your children to make use of their French language outside of school - at an enjoyable French-language magic show for the whole family (including just enough English so that parents can understand too!). With the cooperation of Laval school, CPF Regina has arranged a performance of Marc Tardif to be held at Laval elementary school on the afternoon of Sunday, November 5. Marc is an accomplished magician who is on tour, offering French, English, and bilingual shows. You can see more about him at his web site here:
We are pleased to offer Marc's show at a cost of only $5 per family, pre-registered, or $10 per family at the door. Register early to avoid disappointment! To register, visit our CPF Regina web page at:
- Arthur de Leyssac
Canadian Parents for French, Regina Chapter