MARCH 2, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools is conducting a boundary review of École Wascana Plains School in response to current and forecasted enrolment pressures. Three boundary change proposals have been developed:
- An English Program boundary change proposal would impact Jack MacKenzie School’s boundary;
- A French Immersion boundary change proposal would impact the École Wilfrid Walker's boundary; and
- A French Immersion boundary change proposal would impact the École W.S. Hawrylak School’s boundary.
Please CLICK HERE for the presentation outlining the enrolment pressures at École Wascana Plains School and the boundary change proposal for École Wilfrid Walker.
For the questions and answers document, please CLICK HERE and for the letter that was sent to parents/guardians explaining the process, please CLICK HERE.
The three boundary change proposals will be presented to the Regina Board of Education on March 23, 2021. The online address/boundary tool School Locator will be changed following any Board decision to reflect the approved boundary changes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact review@rbe.sk.ca.