Report cards will be printed and available for you to pick up on June 24th and 25th from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Please make arrangements for one person from each household to pick up the report cards for all Wilfrid Walker students from that home. Tables will be set up on the exterior grounds of the building to accommodate social distancing protocols. Please find the table of the last name of the child or children and wait until it is your turn to approach the table to get the report card(s). In the event of inclement weather, we will move this process indoors and instructions will be given at that point if necessary.
A separate table will be set up with lost and found items and you are welcome to check it after you have your report card(s).
Throughout this process, please use care and concern to move quickly and efficiently so that we can safely distribute all report cards with minimal wait time and exposure to each other.
Please note that this is not a time to visit or connect with the teachers, other parents and guardians or students. We appreciate this will be difficult, but we sincerely appreciate your help in continuing to keep us all safe!
If you choose to not pick up your child’s report card, please let their teacher know prior to the 24th, and we will keep it in the office until they return in September.
Have a wonderful summer and stay safe and healthy!
Kelsey Panko
Principal / Directrice
École Wilfrid Walker