School Re-Opening Update

August 17, 2020 -- Update for school families about the return to school

Following a Facebook announcement by the Premier of Saskatchewan on Saturday, August 15, 2020, school classes for students will not resume until Tuesday, September, 8th.

More details and updates will be shared by your school division, when they are available. Thank you for your patience. 

Report Cards

Report cards will be printed and available for you to pick up on June 24th and 25th from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Please make arrangements for one person from each household to pick up the report cards for all Wilfrid Walker students from that home. Tables will be set up on the exterior grounds of the building to accommodate social distancing protocols. Please find the table of the last name of the child or children and wait until it is your turn to approach the table to get the report card(s).

Supplemental Learning Plan For Students And Families

April 3, 2020 -- This week, students, parents and caregivers will receive an electronic copy of the Students and Families Supplemental Learning Plan from their schools. Here is an updated version!

Please take the time to have a read. Teachers will also start contacting students and families this week.

We look forward to hearing from you and, like all students, learning something new!