Thank You to School Families
March 31, 2021 -- This extra special note came in the mail today. Thank you/Merci on behalf of all Regina Public Schools employees.
We hear and see our school families and appreciate your ongoing support!
APRIL 28, 2023 -- The 2023-24 elementary and high school calendars have now been posted!
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 -- All Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us at their neighbourhood Regina Publi
March 31, 2021 -- This extra special note came in the mail today. Thank you/Merci on behalf of all Regina Public Schools employees.
We hear and see our school families and appreciate your ongoing support!
MARCH 31, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools employees make the difference in the lives and the futures of all of our students. A smile from a child, a “thank you” from a parent or a “great job!” from a colleague are signs of how you are contributing in small and in big ways to the Regina community and its citizens.
March 30, 2021 – the Saskatchewan Health Authority informed us that there was one case of COVID-19 at École Wilfrid Walker.
Close contacts have been called. Letters will be sent to school families.
March 22, 2021 -- On Friday, March 19th, Regina Public Schools announced that it would be moving to temporary remote learning, otherwise known as Level 4, effective March 24th for high schools and March 29th for elementary schools. All in-school classes are scheduled to resume on April 12, 2021. Please note that the scheduled Spring Break is from April 2nd to April 9th.
A letter from Director of Education Greg Enion will be sent to all school families on Monday, March 22, 2021 detailing this decision. Any questions should be directed to individual schools.
March 19, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools, in consultation and with the support of Regina Medical Health Officers is announcing that it is moving to Level 4, temporary remote learning.
MARCH 15, 2021 -- March 21st is designated by the United Nations (UN) as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to focus on respect, equality and diversity.
It’s a day observed all around the world to focus attention on the problems of racism and the need to promote racial harmony. The UN made this designation in 1966 to mark a tragic event that took place on March 21, 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa when 69 peaceful demonstrators were killed during a protest against apartheid.
2102 E. Wagman Dr.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4V 0R1
Ph: (306)791-8531
Fax: (306) 523-3031