2020-21 Elementary Band Program
AUGUST 27, 2020 -- Grades 6 to 8 students are welcome to register for the Regina Public Schools' elementary band program. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 -- All Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us at their neighbourhood Regina Publi
AUGUST 27, 2020 -- Grades 6 to 8 students are welcome to register for the Regina Public Schools' elementary band program. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
August 14, 2020 -- The return to school is just around the corner and parents, caregivers and students are preparing for a school year that will be like no other.
August 4, 2020 -- Regina Public Schools has just released the Fall 2020 School Re-Opening Plan.
JUNE 22, 2020 -- Please CLICK HERE for an important message for parents/guardians and students from the Director of Education and Chair of the Board.
JUNE 17, 2020 -- The 2020-21 school calendar has been revised. Please check out the Calendars tab at www.reginapublicschools.ca or click for individual calendars below.
March 16, 2020
The following letter will be shared with all parents, guardians and students on March 16, 2020. For a copy of the letter, please follow this link.
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students
2102 E. Wagman Dr.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4V 0R1
Ph: (306)791-8531
Fax: (306) 523-3031
email: wilfridwalker@rbe.sk.ca